Why Early Action is Crucial for Your Child’s Reading Success

Imagine your child at the start line, poised and ready. The race ahead is long, spanning years of schooling. You might think, “They’ll catch up eventually.” But what if, instead of waiting, you could give them a head start right now?

Many parents hope their child will naturally catch up. It’s comforting, right? But research suggests waiting can lead to missed opportunities. Early intervention is crucial.

The gap between children who start strong and those who don’t can widen over time. Research by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development shows that children who struggle with reading early on rarely catch up if left unsupported.

Early Action Can Change Everything

Let’s ditch “wait and see” for “act and empower.” It’s not just about more practice. It’s about smarter, tailored strategies that turn struggles into stepping stones.

Why wait for an annual report card? Transform uncertainty into action now. Provide tools that boost your child’s reading skills, confidence, and enjoyment in learning.

Every day is a chance to build a better foundation.

Use Strategies to Help Your Child Sprint Ahead

If your child is dyslexic, you can use game-based learning apps for dyslexic readers, or a reading routine with books and audiobooks. When you do that, you’re engineering improvement.

This isn’t just about the next book report or spelling test. It’s about a lifetime of learning and success. Supported children develop a positive attitude towards learning, think creatively, and persevere.


Rewrite the script!

From “My child will catch up eventually” to “I’m giving my child the tools to sprint ahead.”

Help them lead the way.

To discover more tips and resources that can help you seize growth opportunities to move your child from reading challenges to learning success, join our Reading Made Easy Facebook Group today.

Florence is an Optimist, Encourager, Author, Speaker, Consultant & Mom of the most amazing daughter ever. She shares tips, tools, and resources with parents of dyslexic children to stop the struggle. A believer in the unique learning abilities of all children, she is a strong advocate for those who learn differently.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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6 thoughts on “Why Early Action is Crucial for Your Child’s Reading Success

  1. Totally agree with this.Luckily I bought so many books that my daughter fell in love with reading. That plus I am a bookworm.She grew up seeing me buried in books!

  2. Reading is key. As an entrepreneur, one of the quotes I live by is ‘readers are leaders’. Lucky for me, I fell in love with reading at an early age. As a college teacher who teaches dual enrollment, I’m surprised how few of my students read for fun.
    Thank you for this great post!

  3. Great advice for parents and teachers to be aware and proactive. As individuals and as partners in your child’s development. Thank you

    • Parents suspect when their child is lagging behind. They need to go with their gut feeling rather than believing the people who tell them their child will catch up.