The ability to focus, control one’s emotions and behavior, and adjust to change is essential for success in school.

Did you know that we function better if our right ear plays the leading role in our listening?
“Why is that?” you may ask. It is because the language center is on the left side of our brains. That is where language is processed. Since each side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body, we want meaningful sound to go through the right ear so it can proceed directly to the left side of the brain.
It’s almost time for one of my therapy groups. As they walk into the room, I greet them and tell them we’ll be playing a calling game. There’s a play phone on the table, in front of each seat. The students sit at the kidney-shaped table, and I pretend to call from my phone. They all reach for their phones, lift them to an ear and answer. With one exception, they put the phone to their left ear.
Now I am no scientist, but recent research shows that there is more of a link than previously thought between listening difficulties and learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
The article below from Rafaele Joudry offers a solution to the dilemma.