When you don’t teach your children to use their minds correctly, they mess up the way they concentrate… pay attention… focus and create a chaotic thought life of gathering data rather than thinking things through. ~ Adapted from Dr. Caroline Leaf in Think Learn Succeed

You are your child’s first teacher. Your home is their first school. Learning to focus at home makes it easier to focus at school.
I agree with the two tips Paul Jenkins gives in this video for getting your children to focus better at home:
- Your tone of voice matters.
- Connect your instructions to consequences.
- Be consistent.
- Children thrive when they know what to expect.
First, you must teach your child to get to know themselves. Then, teach them how to control their thoughts. Finally, help them understand that “meaningful success” is different for everyone. As you guide them to discover how they learn, you will help them build a vision of their personal success… at home and school.
Do you find it easy to be a consistent parent?
Hi Florence,
I am thinking that a student that is fortunate enough to have a parent who knows these skills as a teacher has a running start at the race of life.
Doug, I’ll say that child will have more than a running start. He or she will have a cheerleader in their corner to take them through many rough patches to living a successful life.