Why Comprehension is Key: Making Reading Fun and Meaningful for Your Child

Imagine your child: laser-focused and tackling words like a champ.



They hit a wall.

They’re decoding like little word ninjas, but the essence of the story? It’s slipping through their fingers.

Remember your first bike ride without training wheels? That wobbly, heart-thumping moment when you first pedaled on two wheels?

That’s decoding.

It’s important, sure. You need it to get started.

But understanding?

That’s like feeling the wind in your hair and face, navigating twists and turns, truly enjoying the ride. That’s when you’re really biking.

The Journey from Decoding to Comprehension

Let’s look at the facts.

Studies shout loud and clear that comprehension—𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔—is the golden ticket in literacy.


Because those children aren’t just reading the words; they are painting mental pictures, questioning concepts, and connecting dots to the big, colorful world around them.

The Power of Comprehension

Imagine a child who:

– Gets it.

– Digs deeper.

– Connects with every word.

What do you see?

Higher grades. Broad smiles. Confidence. A hunger for stories. A thirst for more books.

The truth is: This isn’t genius-level stuff.

It’s for your child, your neighbor’s child, every child.

How can you transform reading from a chore to an adventure?

By making it as fun as recess.

– Act out stories.

– Use silly voices.

– Guess what’s next.

– Bring those words to life.

Here’s some stats to wake you up: 65% of fourth graders aren’t reading like they should. If that’s not a siren call for action, I don’t know what is!

Why don’t you flip the script at home?

Forget tedious flashcards.

Your child loves play, loves discovery.

Treat each story as a treasure hunt.

– Stop the drill.

– Start the adventure.

– Be curious together.

– Wonder aloud.

– Ponder.

– Discuss.

This isn’t just about reading. This is bigger. You’re crafting thinkers. Dreamers. Leaders.

So, get to it!

Get Started Today!

Make “reading” mean “understanding for your child.”

Don’t let them just moving through words. Let them fly!

Florence is an Optimist, Encourager, Author, Speaker, Consultant & Mom of the most amazing daughter ever. She shares tips, tools, and resources with parents of dyslexic children to stop the struggle. A believer in the unique learning abilities of all children, she is a strong advocate for those who learn differently.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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6 thoughts on “Why Comprehension is Key: Making Reading Fun and Meaningful for Your Child

  1. Oh I loved this read! I haven’t added as much fun as I could to with my younger ones now but thanks for the reminder! I remember doing this with my eldest.

  2. This is so important, thank you for sharing, Florence! I have always felt very lucky as since I was very young I always saw the stories I read or that were read to me play out in my head. I couldn’t explain it to my friends other than “I see the story in my head.” I have always loved reading because of this and I know it’s the reason I understand nuance and subtleties so well. I’m excited for all of the children whose parents read this blog and take action!

    • You hit an important aspect of parenting children who are struggling with reading… taking consistent action.

  3. Hi Florence,
    It is great to reconnect with you here again on this blog challenge.
    Your posts are so clear, direct, and right on point. I always learn something new from your view of these topics.

    • Thanks for the affirmation, Doug. Please share with your friends who have children and/or grandchildren.