The roots of your children’s learning success lie in their minds.

The mind is designed to control the body. Your children’s brain is a part of their body. Therefore, their minds control their brains.
Your child’s mind is the switch that can turn on thoughts and feelings that will change the way their brain works.
Neuroscientists tell us that thoughts and feelings can change the chemistry of the brain.
So, as your children learn to control their minds through their thinking and their choices, they will control their brains.
It is their choices that tell their brain where to focus its attention.
This sets in motion an interplay of chemicals, proteins, and brain cell wiring that causes the brain structure to change; and influences how it functions.
Let me share what is, perhaps, the most important element that could determine your struggling child’s success in school and life.
Author Elwood Chapman said, “Attitude is the way you mentally look at the world around you. It is how you view your environment and your future. It is the focus you develop toward life itself.”
He goes as far as calling attitude your most priceless possession.
Your children’s attitude… their mental outlook on life is the key to them overcoming the challenges life hands them… whether it’s through their genetics, environment, or some other circumstance.
All parents have fallen prey to some education and learning myths at some point in their parenting journey.
Some of you may have been told your struggling child was not cut out for college, because not all children are academically inclined.
I say, every child who wants to attend college can do so and succeed. You just need to know how to help them.
Or… a teacher may have told you that your child is lazy and not working up to his/her potential.
My experience has taught me that no child is deliberately lazy. Undesirable behavior is simply a symptom of an underlying problem.
The key to stopping your children’s academic failure and unlocking their learning success is teaching them how to be aware of their attitude and changing it from negative to positive.
Humans are thinking beings. Your children think all day long and even while they are sleeping.
Christian neuroscientist Caroline Leaf characterizes daytime thinking as a building process and nighttime thinking as a sorting process.
Scientists tell us that humans can switch genes on and off with their thoughts.
Today, these findings bring hope to children who struggle to learn various things, like those children who find out they have difficulty learning to read, do mathematics, or any other subject in school, because they inherited those genes from a family member.
You can start your child on the road to learning success by changing the way they think about themselves and what they say to themselves in their minds… their self-talk.
Teach them that they control their genetics with their thoughts.
Their thoughts, imagination, and choices can change the structure of their brain and how it functions on every level.
Here are 3 benefits of a positive attitude:
- When your children develop a positive attitude, they will begin to feel better about themselves.
- When this happens, they treat themselves with more respect and love
- This boosts their self-confidence and inner strength.
- A positive attitude also lowers stress and improves their overall well-being.
- This leads to a stronger immune system.
- They will get sick less often, and when they fall sick, they will recuperate faster.
- Finally, they will become more focused.
- Once they get off their emotional roller coaster and become emotionally balanced, their brain will execute functions better and they will learn to stay focused longer.
What are your thoughts on the power of a positive attitude on the brain?
Thank you so much Florence. Your post reconfirms my thoughts… and I will continue to use these tips
You’re welcome, Vidya. Share this pertinent information with everyone who will listen.